Thursday, August 26, 2010

Standing out

Can I write in 1 pt font?

It's really funny what you get used to seeing, or not seeing, and how what used to be normal can become worthy of a double-take. One such thing for me is dogs. Here, dogs don't go inside, they don't get taken for walks on leashes, they are basically just everywhere running around, and unfortunately frequently get hit by cars. I'm still not desensitized to seeing dead dogs on the road, but I am desensitized to seeing dogs just running free. Yesterday when we were at the fish restaurant it started pouring, and all the dogs came in to the restaurant looking for shelter and curled up really small on the floor. Seeing dogs in the restaurant didn't surprise me. On the other hand, I ALWAYS notice when there is a dog being walked on a leash. It just looks funny. Especially when it's some kind of purebred dog and not a "Kisumu special."


  1. Dogs always outside? What are the weather extremes there?

  2. Weather extremes? Sometimes it rains.
